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5 Keys To Better Social Media Connections 


Just because social conversations have moved online, it doesn’t make them any less social.

In his book Grand Avenue, author Greg Sarris paints a picture of a tightly-knit California community where “everybody’s connected to everybody” and in so many ways, his description isn’t far off from the social networks we find ourselves using today. While the physicality of a personal connection can never be replaced, social media has been able to effectively take social connections and bring them online. Fortunately for brands, joining the conversation and embracing the following 5 guidelines can help them build better social media connections with customers on a deeper level than they ever could before.

The 5 keys to better social connections and growth on social media

1. Engagement – Social media is called “social” for a reason. In order to have that personal connection with customers and potential customers, you have to engage with them. All too often, brands use it as a bulletin board to bombard their followers with promotions and news about their brand, but that method usually ends in frustration for both parties. Social media platforms are an avenue to engage with people, start conversations and get others involved, it isn’t just about your brand. Think about fostering that personal connection. Start conversations, engage and interact with people and most of all, stay personable.

2. Listening – Don’t let your social media pages become a one-way conversation. After all, conversations are a two-way street. That means sitting back every once in a while to gain some perspective on what your community is saying. It’s amazing what you can discover if you just take the time to listen. You can learn a lot from your audience and target market about what they like and what they dislike. Take their complaints with a grain of salt and use the feedback to improve on your content, products or services.

3. Relevancy – Your social media channels are a projection of your brand and its culture. Stay true to your brand and your initiatives by carrying the same voice across all of your channels and posting content that is relative to your industry. It might be tempting to stray from the norm in an effort to post newsworthy or entertaining content, but at the end of the day, your followers are there because they like what you have to say – not to see the latest meme.

4. Timeliness – Maybe you have great, relevant content, but it missed the mark because it was delivered at the wrong time. Just as creating relevant, interesting content is important, so is distributing it thoughtfully. Take into consideration the time of day, the day of the week and the season when you post your content. If you have topical content, be mindful to post it on time before the ship has sailed, or you could miss your audience altogether.

5. Value – Whether it’s a discount, a promotion, a contest, customer service or just great information, there has to be something on your social networks that attract users, there has to be some kind of value. Value can be created in so many different ways, as long as it provides something that your audience wants. If you can provide value, you have a greater chance of attracting more followers and keeping them long-term.

Keeping social media social is the key to better relationships and connections online. By listening, engaging, and creating relevant, timely and useful content, brands can better connect with their audiences on social media and foster lasting relationships long-term.
For any questions on social media connections and growth or how to improve your social media SEO strategy, feel free to contact us.

Submitted by Erica Machin, Titan Growth